Moon Warrior – What is it?
In the old 1980’s single player RPG style, this game takes the player back in Avlis history to play as one of its greatest heroes: Myleah. As a young woman growing up in the female-dominated society of Jechran, Myleah finds cruelty and division among her people and with the diverse nearby populations. Follow her on her journey to unite the tribes of Jechran and make peace with the Eshallah and fairy races. Employ her friends and companions along the way as they bring their valuable skills with magic, healing, and thievery to bear. Navigate her through joy, pain, betrayal, and victory as she works to found a new city that will one day be named for her.
This game is free and downloadable, but is also playable inside the web browser, download-free.
Play by clicking here: Moon Warrior
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